Scripture Reading - Romans 12:17-18 KJV

17 Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.
18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.

Previously we were discussing the various “relationships” that everyone encounters over their lifetime here on earth and some continuing unto Heaven. This week we will continue our discussion about the topic of relationships looking at “Surface Relationships”. We have heard this term used in society and we (ihlcc) think it is a good thing to use terms that many people are familiar with. In general, when people are discussing “Surface Relationships” they are speaking of people that they only know in a general sense. Surface conversation typically speaks of basic things like, “How are you today? or Did you see the football game yesterday? or How is the weather outside?”. Yes, “surface relationships” will stay on the obvious things you see right before you. These relationships are quite shallow because we generally don’t get into issues of the heart. Now let us answer the awkward question of some Christians which is, “Is a surface relationship really appropriate for a Believer?” We (ihlcc) are glad you asked that question because we can assure you that it is Ok. When you first meet someone it is wise to keep your conversation on the surface lest you risk offending them by an inappropriate comment. Too many Christians want to dive into someone else’s heart without being invited. Generally, speaking you should never purpose to counsel people with the precious holy Word of God until they are open to Him or at least open to you as a Christian. We (ihlcc) have seen much damage done to the Body of Christ and the good Name of Jesus Christ because of zealous believers lacking wisdom. Remember, dear saint, we are commanded to love people first going unto salvation if they are willing. This is because if we love first those that can receive from us those same people are more likely to get saved, if they are not saved already. Please don’t put the cart before the horse because the people who do that aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. We are supposed to show them Jesus in deed to solidify our words spoken to them about Jesus when they ask us the reason for the hope set before us.-Refer to 1 Peter 3:15 Just because we have some “surface relationships” it does not mean that they have to remain that way. It is both prudent and wise to start with people on the surface level and if they would like to go deeper be ready to do so. We all know that God does not hurry in getting to know someone so neither should we. We should enjoy our “surface relationships” because for certain people that is as close as we should be to them. Specifically speaking it does you no good to try to become closer to someone who only purposes to pull you down into their ungodly lifestyle. Yes, we believe in helping all people but we surely don’t endorse doing evil deeds to try to identify with the ungodly. Yes, many ungodly people are without Christ Jesus by choice, not ignorance, so don’t think for one minute that if you only knew them better you could help them more. No, no dear saint, the Word of God states, “Avoid all appearance of evil” in 1 Thessalonians 5:22. We can always love people in heart without having close intimate fellowship or hanging out with them on a routine basis. Be wise, dear faithful Christian, by realizing that “Surface Relationships” have a solid place in the life of every person just keep the relationship holy to be pleasing to God. This is why today’s scripture states, “If it possible live peaceably with all men” because the Good Lord Jesus knew there are some people that the only way you can keep your peace is to keep the relationship on a surface level, thus “Surface Relationship”. Amen!